Tips and Tricks (Menus)

In the previous post I spoke about internal links throughout your site to help with navigation. I wanted to make a quick post to accompany my previous post, that will contribute to properly formatting your web page, which is creating a menu. Your menu is the page links that appear at the top of the page (most of the time) and normally include a home page, contact, and perhaps products or services and the like. Presenting your menu conveniently, whether at the top of the page or on a side bar is a critical for your on page user experience. This is a fairly intuitive topic and most of you probably didn’t need this reminder, but for some who are using platforms like WordPress, you may have to ensure they are set to appear on your page. Most platforms make this process very simple, and you can manually grab pages that you want to throw on the menu and organize the layout of the menu with ease.

For those making a services page, you will want to have a parent tab, and then subsequent pages, the actual services, under it. By designating a parent page it will display the service page (or whatever parent page you have created) on the menu. Then when someone hovers over the the parent page it will display all the pages you have set to that parent page under it (normally like a drop down).

Again this subject is pretty elementary for most, but I wanted to make sure I covered it, for new designers and business owners who are making their first site. As always if you have any confusion when making a menu or customizing a menu, feel free to make contact.


Tips and Tricks (Navigation)

Hey again, I wanted make another quick tip and tricks post to give the beginners some food for thought as they begin to develop their new site. On this post I want to cover the value of internal links. In the web word there are a couple different types of links, ones where you link to other web pages or ones where you link internally to your own page. For this post I want to discuss the internal links that we use to link within our own site. For example if I were to link you back to the home page, by creating a link right here. By doing this I have created navigation paths on my web page that make it user friendly for you as a guest. It would be a pain in the neck if I included no links throughout my site, so getting back a to a previous page or post was almost impossible. Of course you could always type in the search bar, but it shouldn’t come to that for your guests. By creating internal links within your site that help navigate your users around the site, you will make the experience effortless and enjoyable for all your guests. In addition Google has been known to appreciate your functional formatting, and it should contribute to search engine visibility. Start off by making a couple links to your home page on different pages so your guests always are able to find their way back home. If you have any trouble with this always feel free to contact us (Oh look another link :)).